22 júní 2005

pínu undirbúningssöknuður

the sun licks the city
early morning birds are singing lovesongs
out there
I try to join them
but how can I sing lovesongs when I'm empty
in here

the grass is fragrant
my rose is in bloom
the blue sky is smiling
it shed it's cloak of darkness
to a midsummer groom

and then it's daytime
I put on my green summer skirt and
I try
to shake off my torpor
but really want to crawl back 'neath my duvé

svo vantar hin erindin
ætli þau komi ekki í haust þegar ég hef tvöfalt fleiri manns til að sakna...

þá verða ca. 12 af mínu uppáhaldsfólki hinum megin við hafið *grenj*

en þá verður reyndar ekki lengur miðsumar :S

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